This is my Pictorial Tribute to my big brother, Karl H. Dahlin, who passed away last Monday morning, APRIL 7th at 9:25 am. (I make sure to say that the time was specifically 9:25 am because those digits become very significant).
Karl was born on August 13th, 1948 at Saint Johns Hospital in Santa Monica, California (the second boy of the Dahlin tribe).
Mr. and Mrs. Dahlin, had one boy... then Karl...then another boy... then another boy... then another boy...
Five boys in a row - all about a year apart... (pictured from left to right) Karl, Kurt baby Erick with mom, Kris then Tony.
1955 - THEN IT HAPPENED: THE MIRACLE a Girl! YEAH! "We got one! We got one!"
Pictured from Right to Left are the boys in descending order in their John Travolta suits - wide collars (way before their time) Tony, Karl, Kris and Kurt. Erick, Mary and Mom centered
Jan 1956 - Here is Karl seen to the right at 7-years-old, being pulled in a wagon by big brother, Tony, at the new house at 925 Harding Ave in Venice.
From Left to Right Karl...Erick...Kurt...Kris...Tony(standing).
(Not pictured is Mary 1 year old)
Little did Karl know at this time that His mother was one month pregnant with another baby... due sometime in August!
August 13, 1956 - The blessed event happened on Karl's 8th Birthday. Mom brought home another boy and presented Karl with his birthday present...a baby brother, Mark!
Dec. 1956 - 4 months later here I am, the baby on the floor, and Karl (in the very back, LEFT) can't take his eyes off of his precious birthday present.
The next Christmas here we are again on year older.
from Right to Left
Kurt...KARL...Erick...Tony...Mary...Kris and Mark on the rocking horse!
Here we are in 1960ish with address on pillar of "Harding" house...925 (Pay no attention to the clothes I'm wearing in lower right hand corner), and look at handsome Dad and cute KARL, far left standing behind Mary.
Now for "All Saints Day" (same early 60's era)
About the same time Karl (rear right - Tony, next to him, probably standing on tippy-toes).
Same time, entire gang in front of Harding house...Karin crawling on ground probably eating snails...(Karl looking down in concern - either for her or for the snails - not sure!).
Another Christmas goes by... Kurt and KARL
A year or two later sporting summer tans (probably just returned from one of our infamous excursion to either Kings River or a Salton Sea.
Order of appearance LEFT to RIGHT rear... KARL...Kurt...Tony (in back, probably standing on tippy-toes) Kris.
Front - Erick..Karin...Mary...Mark (and please don't look at the see through shirt) "ughhh!"
Karl at 13, the best looking of the bunch
This is about the time Karl brought home Bob from Saint Mark's school and he ends up staying and becoming part of our family.
Couple years later 1964-1965 Karl (center rear)
Tony definitely standing on Tippy-toes!
July 1964 just before heading out on one of our notorious family vacations to Salton Sea or to the Kings River.
Karl just before his 16th Birthday!
Pictured Left to Right KARL...dad, ("Mr. D" Carl with a 'C"who we called "daddio" at that time) Kris and his baby brother, Mark ahhhhhhhhhhhh!
Karl taught me how to fish...
Kurt...Karin...Karl...and Mark in sombrero
At Salton Sea 1965
Dad sleeping on the ground, Kris in front, Me flexing behind... Erick doing something... and who knows what KARL and Steve Smith were thinking!
The British Invasion: "The Four Mop-Tops i.e. The Beatles!
Hair starts to become an issue here is Karl on one of our infamous Saturday "Hair cutting days" not wanting his hair to be cut...It is a water shed event that paves the way for all of the long in Venice CA.

Karl single-handedly corrupts the Lennons and leads them down the path of all things, "long-hair" most notability Pat Lennon and Billy.
1973 Picture with entire family Including Bob and David and Lisa (don't forget Poochie) - by this time our dog is the only one with short hair!
Pictured Top row Left to Right Mr. D...Mark...Karin...Bob...Tony(definitely on Tip-toes) Erick and KARL
Mom with Lisa and David - Kurt with Poochie... Mary... Kris kneeling (bottom right)
1973ish, You can see one of Karl's boats in the background parked on the front lawn of 925 Harding
(above) Karl second from right!
Karl pictured far-left in front of old dead Christmas - tree and the Troop 32 Scout Bus
1973 - 1974
Mid 1970's Picture taken at Saint Mark's Hall
Family Siblings including Bob (LEFT to RIGHT) Erick...Karin...Kurt...Mary...Bob...Tony(sitting not on Tip-toes) ...Kris...Mark.. and KARL far right!A couple years later, Mom with all the siblings (along with Pinky Parlett and Irma)
All ten of us with Irma
End of the 70's Karl front Left.
Late 90's (reunion) all the natural born boys in order from LEFT to RIGHT

Four Brothers 2007 in Utah
Tony (kneeling) Mark (background) Kris... and KARL to far right!
Our family at my mother's memorial service August 2009

Karl in his element with our "Real Family" at the 2013 Harding Avenue Reunion at Donny's House:
Koz ..etc...etc...
Karl (front bottom third from left)
A recent picture I took of Karl, this past July (at Donny Blaser's house) just before his 65th birthday.
He made custom built cabinets for the remodel at the kitchen for 925 Harding ave... As a craftsman he did work at Bob Dylan's house and I remember when he brought back a pair of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's shoes from the custom work he did there. He did work at Cheech Marin's house (of Cheech and Chongs).
Karl could do anything he set his mind to and taught me how to make 90 degree cuts without a T-Square - I still can't figure out how he did it.
...in addition to Janet... 5 or 6 brothers, two sisters...and a bazillion nieces and nephews.

Karl you are loved...I will miss you!
Dear Mark and the Dahlin family,
ReplyDeleteMy deep condolences for your loss. Although I don't know if we ever met in person, I was your close neighbor, not on Harding, but directly behind you, at 930 Venice Blvd....right across the alley. My father was Dr. W.T. Arnold, the blind Chiropractor. My grandparents and parents lived there since the late 1930's, before I was born. Our paths just never crossed, since we always exited our home on the Venice Blvd side. It is strange to think that we were so close, and yet, so far away. I went to Roosevelt Elementary, and you all went to St. Mark's. I just want to say that I'm sorry for your loss, and that I'm thinking of you all. I just happened to be in Venice last week for our Venice High 50th class reunion. I drove down Harding and thought of you all. Now, looking back, I think it was the day your brother Karl died. God bless your family. From Cheryl Arnold Moseley
That is Amazing Cheryl... thank you for the kind words and the two pictures you posted on Facebook! Later in my blog I'll share the story about the apartment building they built on your family's lot and how we almost burnt it down on July 4th, and about how we managed to rescued it...
DeleteThat is Amazing Cheryl... thank you for the kind words and the two pictures you posted on Facebook! Later in my blog I'll share the story about the apartment building they built on your family's lot and how we almost burnt it down on July 4th, and about how we managed to rescued it...
ReplyDeleteMark the love and memories your family has shared through all the years will be something to hold onto.. With the passing of Karl it has left a hole in your clan and will be felt for a long time.. Karl touched many people's lives. On your birthday now Mark you will have someone special watching over you... My heart hurts for you and your family.. Jonesy xxx
ReplyDeletethank you Jonesy - Karl was definitely special and the hole will be felt.
DeleteYour friend Markie D
Thank you for the memories and the motive to digress
ReplyDeleteThank you for the memories and the motive to digress
ReplyDeleteI met someone today who is interested...
ReplyDeleteI met someone today who is interested...
ReplyDeletesomeone who is interested??????
Deletewhat say ye?