Harding avenue was littered with people since the siege of the devil iguana that had embedded itself into the Tripp family wall furnace without formal invitation (last blog post). This jumble of activity was about typical for a nice September Saturday afternoon on our street. As the hordes headed back across the street towards my house ("Hotel Crazy" blog 7-26-13), the skinny kid around the corner, Johnny Gillemot... AKA Gillamonster... provided the next bit of entertainment that my brothers managed to leverage into the "Helms Bakery Heist" of 1966.

Hoping to show-off, Gillamonster pulled right up in front of our house, put the Chevy Nova in neutral, revved the motor as high as he could and with the accelerator pedal stomped to the floor he jammed it into drive. He intended to lay rubber all the way down the street (did you see that I put in the word, "intended").
Rookie move! Instead of the hairy burnout and squealing tires and black tread marks and tire smoke - all we heard was the loudest clunk of metal cracking and snapping and clanking this side of the Titanic hitting the iceberg.
...went the drive-shaft as it blew up the universal joint at the rear differential. The drive-shaft did a couple clanking revolutions before the front yoke slipped out of the spleen and shot out from behind the car like a missile from a mortar-launcher. Traumatized and humiliated, the Gillamonster would have to explain to his mom about his ill-fated "Joy-Ride" in her stolen Chevy Nova that now laid incapacitated in the middle of Harding Avenue.
Since my oldest brother, "Gear-Head" Gustav was there, he decided that he would have some sympathy on the embarrassed teenager and cannibalize one of the cars in our fleet of broken down vehicles we had parked down at the corner - (You know the ones dad made us move every Wednesday and Thursday for street cleaning - see blog post 7-3-13).

While Gustav went to work, Gherhing the Great was scooted under the front wheel of the disabled Nova. Totally getting into it he volunteered to let the boys tear his shirt open as they spread ketchup over his chest and around his head. Mr. and Mrs. Steadman looked through the slats in the blinds and shook their heads in utter disgust.
That is when I heard the familiar chime of Herbie's Helms Bakery Truck. The boys scattered and hid behind cars and trees and bushes and our busy block suddenly looked desolate like something right out of the
Twilight Zone

Playing along, the Gillamonster slumped over the steering wheel of his mom's car with ketchup on his forehead and with some dribbling from his mouth as though he was unconsciousness from the fatal atrocity.
Herbie wheeled his Helm's Bakery truck behind the accident scene and vaulted himself to aid the young bleeding victim which laid contorted under the front fender of the car.
Back in those days... right down Venice Blvd was the World Famous Helms Bakery. They had fleets of delivery trucks that delivered bread, donuts and pastries right to your front door.
On the top shelf were the cream-filled eclairs...we never got to have the cream puffs because they were just too expensive - forget expensive, they cost money! Oh, you can bet the Blasers and the Lennons had Helms donuts and stuff like that, but not us... not until today!
Just like in the good old days of the Wild West we staged a holdup. As Herbie examined the dead body of Gherhing the Great, the boys silently slithered out of their hiding spots and slipped into the Helm's delivery truck
Chewbacca and Donny and Tom and Kleghorn and Puke-Breath cleared out the exclusive top shelf of the sweet, cold-goodness of cream-filled eclairs and disappeared just as fast as they had appeared.

Gustav managed to get Gillamonster back on the road - with Mrs. Gillemot "none-the-wiser."
Like worms that crawl in and out of dead pirates bones...the Wolf Pack oozed into the holes where bricks were missing in the foundation of our house into the dark clubhouse in the basement. It was there they shared the stolen booty, with Gherhing the Great who got to have a cream-filled eclair all to himself for payment. Gherhing gave me one measly bite as we headed to the fort to investigate the damage from earlier when Puke-Breath was hurdled on top by Chewbacca the moment he discovered the rattlesnake in his pants (blog post 7-29-13).
Before we even pulled the plywood off the top we could smell the foul surprise that Jimmy, the booger-slurper, had left inside earlier. He had pooped in the corner that Tommy and I, pretending, said was the bathroom. GROSS! I heaved of course...and made Gherhing shovel a foot of dirt inside the entire thing before I could even get close enough to declare it condemned, tear the thing down and fill it in. Hearing laughter we looked up to see the older boys leaping out of the third story window and sliding down the "fire escape" pole with renewed fervor.
Gherhing had not been down the pole yet and wanted to get into the action. Running into the house, behind the continuous steam of boys who were making their way up the three flight of stairs...THAT IS WHEN I SPOTTED THEIR MOTIVATION. Jerry "TT" had come over for a visit and they had intended on driving him bonkers (blogpost 7-26-13).
Their plan worked, but at my expense! Next time "Fire Pole Terrorism" and getting trapped by Jerry!
Below is a little video bit of history about Helms Bakery by a very good friend of mine, Victor Leon, of Lion's Automotive in Torrance California.

John Gillemot served our country in Viet Nam - was exposed to "Agent Orange" and had a rough go at things, but has recently had a major turn around and it doing great.
Thank you Gillamonster for serving our country!
I hope you all went to confession and confessed helping yourselves to the Helms Bakery truck... lol.. That Helms Bakery truck had the best donuts.. Good old Gherhing getting his day on Harding street.. Jonesy xx
ReplyDeleteI love that boy!