'72 swim team

'72 swim team
My New Tribe

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Sasquatch and Big Foot Frivolity.

Saturday Sept 10th 1966 continues and continues and continues... and boy does it continue!

Everyone, I am so sorry!  I've been extremely busy preparing for a new quarter of teaching and have been away from this blog for too long...so I beg your forgiveness. As a way of making amends I  have posted some pictures that I'd like to share with you...

You may have heard of the legend of The Sasquatch.. the hairy "Big Foot" of North America. Actually all that really is... are just sightings of my brothers when they are in the back-woods fishing...

You can't blame my brothers for being upset by the hillbilly paparazzi snapping pictures when they are enjoying the solitude of the quiet fishing life.

                  Can you?

 Give my brothers some privacy will you!

 There! That is one mysterious anomaly of nature -  answered.

Here is a picture of my mom combing my brother, Chewbacca's, hair!

A picture of all seven of us boys... this doesn't include... Mad Dog, Pinky or Kleghorn!

Okay, all joking and foolishness aside - I've included some real pictures of my family - "The Wolf Pack" you judge for yourself!

Hair! Flaxen, Waxen, Gleaming...Long Beautiful Hair!

Sasquatch with tuxedos... you don't see that every day!

Without the tuxedos!

What is the '60's-70's without a Volkswagon van?


I'm the tame one in the center, but I think you get the idea... We were a real hairy Rat Pack... true '60 and '70 hippies from the "Hippy" capital of the world... VENICE, CALIFORNIA USA!

My mom on top of a pyramid of a lot of hair.... OOOOOOOOOPS...
 Pyramid..fall down and go boom!  The Wolf Pack just playing around....

All right, I owe you a story. Why don't you take a minute to digest this, then in my very next post I will continue the epic saga of the longest day.  This is when Gherhing the Great and I get back from begin tossed around in vomit of the trunk of Gustav's race-car - to Wolf Pack Central. This is where the hippies are planning a standard prank on the little old lady next door and as an alien UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) crash lands on the famous Lennon Sister's house across the street!

 Until next time!

good bye
ha det
Hej då
au revoir
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