'72 swim team

'72 swim team
My New Tribe

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


 Well, needless to say that my hair grew back, as you can see - at least by sixth grade.... (you would have to see the last blog post to understand why I am talking about my hair growing back).

Wouldn't you agree that we're all pretty fragile to some degree. Every kid has dreams, goals, and aspirations - hopes for the future.  I think we all need someone to believe in us.  Today - FIND SOMEONE AND FAN THEIR DREAM. Greet them, hug them - tell them that you believe.


Today I walked among the majestic oaks. 
Careless and consumed with me
Mindless trampling underfoot
 Life struggling below the dense canopy. 


A broken reed is what I found
Crushed and bruised upon the ground
Pressed on by life, do I pass by
 Or invest the moment, lest it die. 

I placed it in my caring hand
To find it was but rooted in shifting sand
Kneaded into dark rich earth
I prayed that new life would take birth

I watered and checked on my new friend
Whose attended soul hastened to mend
From the water and love I freely gave
Grew a majestic oak I helped saved.

While shaded by the large lush tree
A soft still whisper came to me
Little Children are like this once tender reed
And you are the soil to nurture the seed.

by Mark Dahlin


  1. okay, okay, that was pretty good.

    1. coming from you jack, T consider that quite the compliment. thank you sir now get over here so we can post some videos!

      I believe in you! Your friend.

  2. If all your English and Literature teachers knew there really was a creative and complex mind, You may not have gotten away with hiding in the coat room and making faces above Sister Edith... I am so glad to be connected again after all these years.. Very thoughtful poem xx Jonsey

    1. Marilyn, thank you for the kind words.. believe it or not, I still thrive on kindness. That is what you have always been - a source of encouragement.

      Could I ask you and Theresa to keep doing me favors - every time I make a post of facebook would you just hit the share button from time to time - I am trying to build a platform and am trying to build my base...

      OH and when I get to the Salton Sea story (believe it or not) you are a very prominent figure in that story. You may have forgotten it is is one of those indelible markers recorded in my psyche. Mind if I use you by name (it is not defamatory - actually very funny).

  3. Really love the tender reed!! From G-ma with love!!

    1. Thank you G-Ma happy upcoming Mother's day

    2. Thank you G-Ma happy upcoming Mother's day

  4. Love how the wild radish seedling plays the part of an oak in the photos. A plant with an acting career! Maybe next time I'll think twice before ripping out a wild radish. But I'll still rip it out.

    Uh--nice poem, by the way.

    1. Shhhh, don't tell about the wild radish in its acting roll.... thank you

  5. Share away Mark, I am alway up for a good story especially when I know the people involved... I surely would share this blog as everyone I know can surely get something out of it.. Jonsey

  6. Hi, Mark! Just read your poem. Looking forward to your posts on Facebook. 8-)

    1. good to have you aboard Katheryne.. blessings md
