'72 swim team

'72 swim team
My New Tribe

Friday, May 3, 2013

THE ZOO: The conclusion! Plus 1000 thanks

I began posting my childhood stories just over a week ago and I would like to thank all of you for visiting and traveling back with me to the 60's. Today I hope to finish the Zoo Odyssey, but wanted to give a shout out to all of those who have made up the 1,048 visits to this blog siteThank you to those in Germany, South Korea, Thailand, Russia, France, the UK and those of you right here in the U S of A.


I'm sorry for leaving you hanging ... as you can see at least one of us had lots of training that would come in handy for the next part of this story. Who knew that  the ability to hold-on would be essential to their survival. 

We left off last time with Flea-Bait being suspiciously pushed off the ledge of the monkey habitat. In the words of Paul Harvey, "And now, the rest of the story."

 Desperate, Mom had just mixed all our names up (as she usually did) while invoking “The Clause.” (I'll stick with the alias' here).

“GustavBjornKnutLeifUlrikeorwhoever you are, (I was usually the "WhoEverYouAre" I thought that was my name until second grade when I got into trouble for putting it on top of my school papers.) 

With the Papal authority that went all the way back to Saint Peter, mom shouted, "Get down this instant - UNDER-PAIN-OF-MORTAL-SIN”

WELLLLLLLLLL.... Knut pushed and Flea-Bait fell into the anticipating clutches of the agitated monkeys below. (REMEMBER, THIS IS A TRUE STORY)

Flea-bait was a prize... something to be sniffed and prodded and examined and licked and tasted and adopted and fought over and owned. 

With a hundred monkeys climbing all over Flea-Bait and picking his head for lice...Knut knew that they had no intention of giving Flea-Bait back. My mother took the two girls and hid in the bushes about 50 feet away. 

Knut knew that if Flea-Bait died, then he was the one guilty of Murder and was now subject to Mortal Sin and would have to spend an additional billion years in Purgatory. ONLY. Only Knut couldn't reach far enough down into the Pit of Despair to rescue poor Flea-Bait and had to be lowered by his ankles by Mad Dog and Gustav. 

Every time Flea-Bait opened his mouth to scream for help monkey fingers went in. ONLY. Only when Flea-Bait discovered that one of fingers  wasn't really a finger, but a toe - he began to freak out.  He figured what ever foot this toe was attached to - had probably just been walking around in monkey dung and urine.

In shear terror that he would have to live with monkey pee-soaked-toes in his mouth for the rest of his life, Flea-Bait looked up with hope to the outstretched arms that were extended to him (holding back his own vomit).

With the aid of several other Dahlin Boys (and friends who had voluntarily squished themselves into the old Dodge station wagon for the Field Trip to the Zoo) Knut had been lowered far enough by his ankles to grab the outstretched arms of Flea-Bait. 

ONLY. Only there were a million monkeys crawling all over Flea-Bait! From up above, he looked like a piece of forgotten candy that had been covered in ants (Only monkeys. Only monkeys that didn't want to give him back). 

We had a problem!   There were too many of the little buggers.

So along with Gustav and Mad Dog, Liver lips, Chewy, Pinky, Dooh-Dooh Pants, and me... we all grabbed on and joined the tug-of war.

It was the monkeys on one end and the Viking Wolf Pack on the other end, with Knut and Flea-Bait stretched out like a piece of rope in the middle. (Told you that those hanging-on-skills would come in handy right?) We could hang with the best of monkeys.

We had all gone through monkey training  school and had bow staff mad skills 

We could not... would not lose! 

“Heave ho!” We all shouted in unison, giving one humungous jerk. “Si Se Puedes!” Chewy screamed. Four Eyes was with us but was completely useless - as usual. He sat down with his slide rule and tried to make some kind of formula as to how many Dahlins it would take to pull up Flea-Bait factoring in weight, total muscle mass and gravitational pull. 
By this time, sirens were blaring and blue lights flashing as Zoo security in faded green, electric carts rounded the sharp corner by the Gorilla statue.  Holding tranquilizer dart-guns as if they were going to war, this was their big chance to use guns that a zoo security guard rarely, if ever, got to use.

Later when my dad heard the story, he laughed, rolled his eyes, and then said something like, “Too bad they weren’t using real bullets.” 

Anyway, complete mayhem broke out in the zoo, and my mom stayed hidden in the bushes offering up prayers to Saint Francis.  

The 6,000 monkeys were just too heavy for us to lift poor Flea-Bait out of the monkey pit. 

This is when "IT" happened. 

(I thought for the sake of time I'd leave you hanging here - but it didn't think I could do it to you again). 

The very last monkey, anchoring the tug-of war, let go and climbed over the monkey in front of him and the monkey in front of that monkey, and the monkey in front of that one - and on and on until he reached Flea-Bait. He stood up on his feet and screamed something in monkey as he beat his chest (I'm not really fluent at translating monkey, but if I had to guess this brilliant little fella shouted "FREEDOM") then he took off over Knut, over Gustav, over Mad Dog, over Liver Lips, over Chewy, Pinky, Dooh-Dooh Pants and over me into the Zoo. 

The next to last monkey did the same thing: Over one monkey, then the next and the next until he reached Knut where he paused and took a whiff of  Knut's breath and acted as if he had almost fallen in love...(Knut wore a retainer and had really bad breath... the Monkey loved it) he stood up, beat his chest and shouted "FREEDOM" as he climbed over all the Dahlin boys and into the zoo. 

Monkey by monkey they all did the same thing... We. Us. The Dahlins!  WE HAD MANAGED TO LET EVERY SINGLE ONE of the MONKEYS OUT OF THE CAGE! 

Monkeys running riot, babies crying, angry men with tranquilizer guns, sirens blaring, food dropping, people screaming, Mrs D praying, girls hiding and Dahlins fleeing. 

Did anything like this every happen to your family? I want to know. Tell me about it! 


  1. No. Nothing like this EVER happened to our family. Once there was a blizzard at our cabin in the mountains, and we had a choice to buy groceries and get snowed in... or pack up and get out. My sedate, responsible parents remembered that we had work and school the next day. So... we packed up and went home. People died in that blizzard, right here in southern California, but we went home to the lowlands, missing our big chance to get snowed in.

    One time my little sister got hit in the head with a golf club, fractured skull, blood everywhere, and was taken to the hospital. But the accident was at the hands of a neighbor kid--my brother and I never even came close to killing her ourselves.

  2. Good for you. Sometimes the bigger story sells more, but there is a lot less drama and fallout to clean up later in soured personal relationships and issues that need to be dwelt with!


    "Oh how heavy." Family is the second smallest unit of community right behind that of Husband and Wife where we get to practice forgiveness, extend love and say "I'm sorry!" :)

  3. Mark, do you explain to your friends why your older brothers tied boxing gloves on your hands at night? Tony Dahlin Venice

    1. "I know nothing. I see nothing" Srgt Shultz

      me: I plead the fifth!

  4. No. Never. Richard and I, as well as most of the kids at St. Marks depended on your family for these not to be believed, but you knew it was the Dahlins so it was true-stories. Thanks Mark. Keep'em coming.

    1. It was a tough job, but somebody had to do it. :)

  5. What happened to the wheels under that "three story trailer"?
