'72 swim team

'72 swim team
My New Tribe

Friday, April 26, 2013

Electrocuting a NUN - NOT GOOD!


Before I tell you what gave Sister Godzilla the twitch in her left eye, I thought you might like to see the shirt I was wearing in this picture. To verify my earlier claims - it was a hand-me-down, it was SEE-THROUGH and it did only have two buttons (oh, I'm the one in the far right - if you couldn't tell).

Cute crew right?  Well, looks could be deceiving. Take a look at the sinister glean in the eye of the third boy from the left (to protect his identity I'll just call him Gustav). Right as that picture was snapped a diabolical plan was hatched. Only... it would be tested out on me and my little sister first (who is second from the left - front).

 "Oh yeah... let's experiment with electricity! Let's play with electricity in the most dangerous setting possible in the history of the world."  (something like that probably went through my older brother's head when he threw the switch that summer for the first time).

ONLY Karin and me and my two poor innocent neighbors happened to be in the water (did I just say water?), we were in the water in the pool (did I mention the pool that had metal sides?) We were in the dough-boy pool in the water that  now had electricity coursing through the metal sides.

There is a picture of the pool in its Glory Days (when we still used chlorine - you know before we started breeding mosquitoes in it and before the older boys added the alligator).

Anyway, they threw the switch and as soon as we touched the sides - all four of us got the shock of our lives and somehow lived to tell about it. 

Now that they knew they could electrocute people without actual killing them, they decided to try it on a NUN.

When Gustav threw the switch that sent 110 volts of electricity through her entire body it blew that black and white helmet/thingy straight off her head like a rocket ship that made her hair stand up like Frankenstein’s bride.

Hair, you ask?

Yeah. Nuns have hair.

The second she grabbed the side of our pool to look at the mosquitoes we were breeding, he threw the switch and…

…that’s when it happened!  The habit, the hair, the shrieking. the ambulance and THE TWITCH.

Let's just say this, my year in Sister Godzilla's class didn't go well for either of us. 

If you've ever been the victim of an awful sibling prank, tell me about it! COMMENT

I guess the next thing I'll have to do, is tell you about the ZOO!


  1. Ha! Oh my, Mark...one would never guess!
    You def. have a flair for writing...and I'll be back to enjoy your blog! Thanks for sharing..makes me feel so 'normal'!! Ha!

    1. Thanks for visiting Ryan... my childhood is truly an epic story that can't be believed. Stick around, it only gets better...or should I say more bizarre.

  2. Please keep these stories coming! Oh the funniest years of life were spent living next door to you guys. btw: was it two of my siblings in the pool? is that why my mom wouldn't let us go in? ha! Mark this picture is so cute. Look at the darling Swede family. :) Can't wait for the next story, keep writing! And btw: did anyone on our block ever not wear hand me downs? oh yah the McClains.

    1. Oh yeahhhhh the McClains. New clothes were so overrated! haha I'll keep the stories flowing!

  3. I knew Eric enjoys your stories, so I told him you have a blog, and that "Markie D's current story is about electrocuting a nun."

    1. Hi Karen, thanks for letting Eric know about this i hope both of you might enjoy the stories... Please keep passing it along! Mark
