'72 swim team

'72 swim team
My New Tribe

Sunday, April 28, 2013

BEST CATHOLICS in the WORLD. The Monkeys are Just Around the Corner.

Here we are at a regular family get together on a typical Friday night sing-a-long.

Look at us... aren't we the picture of everything wholesome. Sixties Americana at its finest. The best Catholic family in the world.   (Joey thanks for the picture, I ripped off of Facebook).

Actually that isn't us. 

This is us.

Here we are - you can see Gustav (my oldest brother) shooting the Blessed Virgin Mary and the rest of us training to be the most ornery kids since Cain and Able. If you look past the VW van in the driveway (right over the of the Buick) you can see the home of the famous Lennon Sisters.

The Lennon Sisters appeared on TV every Saturday night on the Lawrence Welk Show. They were the world's best Catholics in the history of the universe.





Some of you might be asking what do the Lennon Sisters have to do with "The Infamous Zoo Story" that you promised to share with us last time. Everything actually!  Do you know the kind of pressure the Lennons put on the average Catholics... Huge right? Well, image what it was like for my mother, with our motley crew, who happened to live practically right across the street.

We had kids hanging out of windows, shooting each other with BB guns and with home made arrows that had needles taped to the tips. We tied each other up, hit each other with sticks, terrorized the little old lady next door, stole her avocados and messed around with her "precious" Buick.  My older brothers broke into the church vestry stole the communion wine and knocked the entire schoolyard fence down in their escape.

This pressure led my mother to plan the ill-fated trip to the zoo in the high hopes that she could tell a charming story in order to convince the ladies at the Catholic women's auxiliary on Sunday, that we were normal like most families in the parish. MY POOR MOTHER!  

More about how we let all the monkeys out of the Zoo when I return to the blog tomorrow.  Strap on your seat belt and tell a friend, because you have never heard a story like this... where fact is indeed stranger than fiction.  

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