Puke Breath - my brother who had a brain like Poindexter, pulled out his slide-rule and made some calculations as the motley crew laughed and stacked a couple more strategically placed blocks on the top edge of IGLOO over the yellow tarp in order to hold it in place over me.

The black scabby cat sat in the window as if mocking me and my older sister was off somewhere with her neighborhood minions, who were under her control.
As the 7th born and baby boy I was the least powerful member of my tribe, even though I had a sister three years younger than me.
The birth order was Boy
First GIRL TQOTW "THE QUEEN OF THE WORLD" Made sense right?
For the first four years her feet didn't even touch the ground. With our long history of sibling torture, my Dad say that if one male offspring were to every laid even a single finger to one hair of her head - then we were as good as dead (Section 106b of the Viking Code). And that's the way it was.
Then another boy that was me... nothing special. Just another boy. Had enough of them already and by the time I had a brain we had already added a couple other older boys to the mix... "strays" my dad called them.
So it went like this Boy 1st born
Boy 2nd born
other Boy
Boy 3rd born
other Boy Pinky pictured to the right
Boy 4th born
Several Stragglers: males
Boy 5th born
TQOTW GIRL (must have been an immaculate conception or something).
Just another boy That's me ... boring... yawn...
Another GIRL Couldn't touch her either- see Section 106b above.
Another GIRL Couldn't touch her either- see Section 106b above.
I couldn't lay a finger on her under pain of death and mortal sin.
So I was on the bottom of the rung...10 down or something like that and I was told that we had enough boys already... so if one (that's me) happened to mysteriously die - who would give a rip!
I didn't even have power over my little sister...pretty sad right? I was the omega ωμέγα runt of the Wolf Pack completely powerless even over a girl 3 and a half years younger than me. And here I was - stuck in a pit in the backyard completely and utterly lost. Let me tell you, we were not the Lennons (who lived across the street) by any stretch of the imagination.
Kleghorn screwed the sprinkler onto the end of the hose. Flea-Bait turned it on and Puke Breath carefully positioned it so that every time it sprayed in my direction - besides watering the inside of old boats - the tops of some rusted cars that had been cannibalized for parts, a couple old engine blocks and a stack of old tires it sprayed the top of the yellow tarp that had been draped over the open hole on top of the "Igloo of Death" held in place by well placed construction blocks.
They left! I didn't see much sense in the hose, and the sprinkler, and the water since they had put the plastic over the top, which was actually protecting me from the imitation rain. I though it was meant as a form of noise torture. You know, like the old Chinese "Water Drip" torture. It was maddening - I'll give that to the brilliant boys. I think the sound of that water hitting the plastic tarp some eight hundred thousand times might cause me to eat one of my arms off, but thankfully I had no access to eat my arm off, because all four of my appendages had been bound in an old itchy rope and buried in the pit.
The good news was I couldn't chew off one of my arms and the rooster they let out couldn't gouge my eyes out with his 4 inch razor sharp talons.
Life isn't all bad.... I guess.
"Help!" "HELP!" Nothing. I was alone and the universe didn't seem to care. Live or not, I felt a little piece of me die inside...the part that cries and has feelings. I was becoming a less human and more of a unfeeling robot. "Stop in the name of love"
I was going to die and nobody cared. I was going to die and never truly know what it meant to love or be loved... I wanted to know.
Android People Stop in the Name of Love I was going to die and nobody cared. I was going to die and never truly know what it meant to love or be loved... I wanted to know.
The hippies troglodytes were talking about the Yellow Submarine and here I was stuck in my own yellow sub marine cave of death. Yet, I didn't realize how brilliant they were until I figured the whole madness out and realized just how bad it was about to get. Yes, it still got worst...
This story makes me so sad. It's so cruel. I was terrified of the dark and of suffocation...but even if I wasn't it's sounds beyond mean.