It means letting the Monkeys out of the Zoo (post 4/29/13). It means being 10 and wrestling an alligator; it means being left behind because there are too many children for parents to keep track (5/13/2013).
It means hand-me-downs that become see through after years of wear and tear before the youngest boy (that's me) inherits them;
It means pushing broken down cars from one side of the street to the other in the hectic chaos of street cleaning days, it means Milk Wars, it means having an attack rooster instead of a guard dog, it means taking in strays who become part of the family, it means fun and frivolity.

It means robbing the Helms truck, passing gas (that's Dooh-Dooh pants) and lots of vomit (that was my superpower) and frequent visit from the Police.
It means tons of kids...
and tons of junk...

Oh...and it also meant being cute... (I didn't say anything about being humble).
Being a Catholic meant... Big families... i.e. Dahlins, Blasers, Lennons...etc etc...
....it meant, "Fish Stick Fridays"
...going to Catholic School...i.e. Saint Mark's grammar school in Venice
Being taught by Catholic Nuns... Catholic nuns with funny names....
and Sister Shultz
It meant being related to a nun -
It meant first holy communion
Dressing up as Saints for Halloween
...it meant playing in the schoolyard
fighting in the schoolyard
being whacked with yardsticks by the nuns...
Attending Mass on Sunday and serving as an ALTAR BOY!
This is where it gets tricky!
Give a 12-year-old boy a cross, candles and the blunt object to hold against the throat of another 12-year-old (who is about to receive communion) ...NOW you have the recipe for disaster.
that story to follow
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