I WAS THE BACKYARD FUN! Dang it! Why was I so stupid that I couldn't see this coming? Hippies digging a hole...doing hard work and having fun! I knew there was something odd about it. OXYMORON "Markie D, you should have seen this coming" I silently grumbled to myself. I was bound in a wet, coarse rope that they scavenged from the soupy bottom of the leaky boat in the front yard and was being dragged over to the sand pit.
I had been through the ritual before. I had been buried up to my neck in the sand at high tide line at Leo Carrillo State Beach in Malibu and in this exact same spot a couple times. This time, however, the circumstance have changed somewhat and it was the "somewhat" of the unknown that frightened me. Next to the hole the industrious Wolf-Pack had stacked old cinder-blocks used for construction. This wasn't good - I was smart enough to know that and began to panic on the inside
PANIC. That's what they wanted! they wanted to see me panic on the outside and they got it! They wanted to see me squirm and maybe even throw up. I desperately tried to dig deep into my superpowers so that I could vomit on about 8 or 9 of them - but I only had a couple bites of the moldy sourdough toast in the bottom of my stomach - I had NOTHING! They dragged me across the ground behind them like in one of those TV Westerns where you see the cowboys being dragged by a horse.
If they untied me before stuffing me in the hole...I knew my adrenalin would kick in and could take out another 5 or 6 of the hippies who smelled like skunk. My life depended on it...what if they buried me and decided to let out the Veloci-Rooster. If that was their diabolical plan, then I was a "gonner" for sure!
The front of the Evening Outlook would read EXTRA EXTRA: Venice boy's eyes gouged out by a Pre-Flood Raptor and talon-ed to death! I'm not sure "taloned" is a word - but you get it - punctured to death by the four-inch razor-sharp talons of the one-eyed crazy rooster. WHAT IF?
The Hippy Wolf Pack was too smart this time and kept my hands tied behind my back and strapped around my body as they heaved me into the pit. It took them 14 tries. Every time they attempted to shove me into the pit of despair I spread my legs and made it impossible. Ha! "So There!" They made Flea-Bait grab my legs and that's when I bit him on the back of the shoulder. He should have seen that coming - Idiot! Well, I tell you right now, that backfired - because I paid for that about 30 times over!
This went on for something like 5 minutes. I kicked and bit and wiggled and squirmed as if the hole and I were magnetically polar opposites and the hole kept obliging as if the hole itself - willed to reject me.
Thank you Mr. Hole.
Mr Hole was my friend for about 13 failed attempts until the Wolf Pack finally got my feet tied together and six of them managed to force my tamed appendages down into the center of the pit. I was tied and bound and now gagged as the long-haired hippies began back-filling the hole like dogs digging for bones. As the sand filled in around me the pressure pushed in on my chest making it hard to breathe - which incited my secret claustrophobia.
THEN came the "Somewhat." It went from very bad to worst as they began stacking the construction blocks around me like my own personal Igloo of Death. I was working in a coal mine and about to slip down...
android users: Working In a Coal Mine

It got a lot worse - A LOT WORST!
I had cheated death already and now I felt like my number was up... I had escaped from Salton Sea (post 5/13/13), but felt there was no way out of this.
I love you Markie D... Note to self!
ReplyDeleteOh Lord..Crazy Hippies with a psycho bird!
ReplyDeleteoh Lord is right!