'72 swim team

'72 swim team
My New Tribe

Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween and the Ouija Board pt 2

(Continued from last post) Seeing that it is Halloween and that we had unleashed the evil forces of the dark spiritual world upon Venice... it is only reasonable that I tell of that spooky and TRUE - Yes...True Story of the infamously creepy event of the Ouija Board of 1965.

It was as if dark tar or slow creeping molasses had begun to flow from portal we had opened earlier with the séances that we had carelessly dabbled with back in 1962. The evil substance was like a sticky sludge that stuck to the bottom the shoes of whoever happened to step in the thick wicked slim. It was infectious and I could smell when it began to take over someone's body like an odoriferous cancer.

Adults could neither see the the gooey slim or smell the rotten stench.   But, it was here and it was in our house.

I think it was one of the reasons that I threw up so much...evil deeds seemed to have the stench of rotting flesh that I become very sensitive to.

Being buried in pits  (Click here) Pit of Despair
Given templates   Chewbacca and the template of doom
or stuck in the hamper of death...  Hamper to Valhalla it all smelled!      "Mean" things, smelled.

Our house...like the fraternity house at the corner, the McClain's house and the Lennon Sister's house on the other end of the street were all originally two story homes built at the turn of the last century with giant attics.  Our house at 925 Harding had an attic on top of the attic and in order to make the most use for all of the kids - those attics were converted into third story bedrooms...we had 4 bedrooms on our third floor.

The older boys had returned from "trick or trick"... no I didn't get that wrong... I did not mean to say "Trick or Treat" with my brothers and that cancerous slim that had attached itself to their skin made them torment, prank or trick regardless if given candy or not -  you know the "flaming dooh-dooh bag" and stuff like that.

Well after coming back with the plunder of tormenting all of Venice, they decided to pull out the Ouija Board - after all they reasoned, it the Devil's birthday.

Turning off lights and making the house as scary as possible they begged the oft-used board to reveal to them a hidden secret. I could smell the beast and they did not let me near the board, because I kept gagging and heaving my guts up... after getting thumped on the head a couple times, I stood out of arms reach and watched from a safe distance.

The creepy board had the 5 older boys crammed around it and the pointer-thingy-ma-bobby... slid violently in the direction of the dining room from where we began in the Living room.

Chaos broke out among the boys - accusing each other of pushing the pointer-thing and a small fist fight ensued and eventually order was restored to the normal state of controlled chaos.  Again Wolf Pack lightly placed finger tips on the triangle-shaped-thingy-ma-gigger and this time it jerked to the right - towards the brown stairs just past the 50 pound sack of powered milk. Powered Milk Wars

Again, blaming broke out that turned into a wrestling match with the corresponding protest of innocence as fear settled the boys with the awful realization that just maybe - this thing was really in charge.  Goosebumps!

Up they went! One flight of stairs... yells and accusations and blaming and angry denials and wham went the pointy-thing... up another set of stairs to the third floor they went and I followed. It took them in a 360 turn and pointed to the junk-filled room that overlooked Edna's house (the grouch who lived directly next door).

I'll bet Tommy Blaser was not at home throwing up because he had smelled the stench of death and that Jeffery Lennon had not had to experience the spin-tingling sensation of being in the presence of evil and certainly Joey or Kippy Lennon did not have to live with the oozing tar like evil - You see, they were normal and were probably at home with the lights on counting up the sweet plunder of "trick or treating" and swapping candy with siblings like regular people do.  If I had to guess, I'd say the Lennons were gathered in the family room strumming a guitar and singing "Kumbaya my Lord"    

That's my guess!

But not us... We were at home fighting and under the spell of this contraption that led all of us to a third floor bedroom that was full of junk.

It was dark and it was scary and I did not let the older boys know that I had tears in my eyes and I think one of them had wet their pants again...But no fighting this time - they were too scared!

Everyone had goosebumps and no one dared set foot in the uninviting blackness until the the bravest one pushed Kurt into the room. THIS IS WHEN THINGS GOT CRAZY! We heard a crack... and frantic cries for help as Kurt disappeared and then muffled screams as if he had fallen into an abyss.  He had been eaten by the room. The older boys screamed and jumped up and down and swung wildly in the air as if defending themselves from an invisible attacker.

Kurt was gone. They would have to explain to mom and dad how they had either murdered their brother or try to explain how the house had swallowed him.

Then the faint cry. Kurt had indeed been swallowed, like Jonah who been trapped in the belly of a great fish. Sharp teeth tore his shirt and clawed the sides of his body as he was helplessly wedged in the black darkness of the secret hole stuck between walls a floor below.

This was the Devil's portal that the Ouija Board had led us to and Kurt was now stuck in it.

I ran down a flight of stairs and threw up in the toilet while the boys fought over whether to rescue him or let him die and discussed how they could cover up the evidence.

The ooze was creeping and I could smell the stench of death.

(Sorry - but kids are knocking on my door asking for candy so I'll have to finish this dark TRUE Story of the The Black Abyss of Death next time...)

If you don't believe me - Find someone in my family as ask!

Stay safe!

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