Markie D walked to his house just around the corner from his grammar school for lunch everyday. As the omega male of the Wolf Pack it was hard bumping elbows with the brood when the chaotic scramble happened every morning as the older boys scavenged for anything they could put in a lunch sack. With the fighting, the name calling and the pulling of hair, Markie decided it was best to stay under the radar and not even try to compete. By the time it came along for him to glean the kitchen for scraps there was nothing left over other than tainted milk, wilted celery, and the leftover something that had begun to grow green hair. Opening the Tupperware lid on his ancient treasure, Mark gagged and almost threw up and then received a thump on the head by one of older guys. Other than that, the only thing edible that survived the ravages of the Wolf Pack was dry sourdough bread from the Pioneer day-old store. He wasn't about to pack a piece of dry bread, not when he could walk home and toast it!
And that's what he did. He lived on sourdough toast for lunch everyday.

We left off last time, when Markie D had just woken up from his unconscious stuper after being knocked out and left on the floor in the cruel trick by his older brother. The runt of the litter, toasted his sourdough bread and happily staggered back to lunch recess with his blonde bangs swaying off his forehead (although he had plastered his hair earlier in his father's frugal concoction of sugar-water instead of hair gel).
Ironically, the poor little fella was a happy little soul - perhaps even, quite too happy for his circumstances. Though he thought of himself as special... like Joseph in the Bible... this designation "Special" may have been more in line with the way that word is used when thinking about "The Short Yellow Bus" - kind of "Special."
Markie had heard about the word love in Catechism and knew that the concept or idea of love was out there somewhere. He had never heard the "L" word used in his family, but felt that it was out there to be discovered. He desperately wanted to know what love was; what it felt like.. what it looked like and if a person could really experience this concept that he felt was so out of reach.
Last year, in 4th grade, when Mrs. McNellis was reading Charlotte's Web to the class (and fell asleep while reading) MARK DISCOVERED something amazing for the first time! GIRLS!
With something like 7 or 8 older brothers at home and with only two toilets in the house, you can image the dilemma. It meant there were desperate times when 4 or 5 of the boys had to pee in the toilet at the same time....if any went into the toilet, that was a miracle. Poor Markie had to squeeze in between a forest of legs, and being just about "po-po" height (compared to the guys who were 2 or more feet taller) - he knew was a boy was. Hello, no problem with that one!

(Enough of the back story) Whistling and staggering his way back onto Saint Mark's School property holding up his warm buttered sourdough toast as if it were a glorious trophy - symbolic of enduring Chewbacca 's "Template of Brain Damage."
This toasted bread was the envy of every 5th grader who had to chock down stale peanut and squished jelly sandwiches. His stock value suddenly increased...he was important for a minute. He liked the feeling of being liked. The boys in that corner of the schoolyard lined up and Markie granted one bite apiece. ONE BITE... Markie had not even had the chance to eat one-half of his toast yet and was reluctantly giving most of his prized possession away.
THEN CAME MICHAEL. Michael was at least a full head taller than Mark and probably twice his weight... Michael grabbed Markie's sourdough and shoved half it in his mouth to be mean and spiteful...
BAD! BAD! BAD Mistake! Michael might have outweighed Markie D by 50-60 lbs... and had no idea that the little runt had to fight Ulrich and his Small Napoleons - like very day. Bad choice bully Michael, this was just not your lucky day.
Picture this. Pitbulls are cute and cuddly, quite friendly and about as unassuming as a beagle. Now image a police dog...a 135 pound German Shepherd. If that German Shepherd were to attack this 30 pound dog, your initial reaction is to feel sorry for the poor little fella. You root for the little guy - you (plural) feel sorry for the cute little thing.
But when that little guy tightens the sinew of his muscle mass and his pupils pin-point, it's like a metamorphosis from Dr. Hyde to Mr. Jekyll takes place. And when that Pitbull sinks his teeth into the neck of that German Shepherd, suddenly you fell sorry for the poor, pathetic, self-assured German Shepherd who thought he was "All That!"
You might even be compelled to get a stick and beat the Pitbull off of the humbled-terrorist of a bully.
Do I need to say anything more - other than poor, big, self-assured, bully Michael, who though he was "All That," received more than he bargained for.
It did take about two teachers and three kids to pull Markie off of the big bully...his ear got pinched by Sister Godzilla, as he was sent to the Principal's office to the cheers of admiring 5th graders.
Pray for Michael, but don't feel sorry for Markie...his stock value went up in school that day... and now maybe, he had a chance with the ladies and could find out what this thing called love was all about.
Unbeknownst to him, the closest thing Markie would come touching love, to finding love and experiencing love...came every Friday with Irene. She was the cleaning lady from Watts who knew a thing or two about bullies, about prejudice, about enduring, and fully understood about glorious trophy of true love.
may have heard that. “Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names will
never hurt you!”
Yeah, well… I think I would put it a different way, “Sticks
and stones may break your bones – they will heal, but names can hurt for a
long time.”
It was Tuesday and Markie would have to wait until Friday. Until then, he sang one of the songs Irene had taught him.
Go Down Moses
Way down in Egypt Land
Tell old Pharaoh
To let my People Go
When Israel was in Egypt land
Let my people go
Oppressed so hard they could not stand
Let my people go
“Thus spoke the Lord,” bold Moses said
“If not, I’ll smite your first born
Let my people go