'72 swim team

'72 swim team
My New Tribe

Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Veloci-Rooster and What Does the Fox Say?

It was October 1968 and I laid in the old hospital bed (that had been moved upstairs to my room) recovering from the big accident at McElliots' pool that should killed me.  My leg had been stitched together and looked worst than Frankenstein's face. Most of my leg was still numb felt like they had installed a metal plate inside my leg behind the 97 stitches that ran a zig-zagged path from above my knee all the way up my left thigh.

President Johnson had said that he would not seek re-election which made all of us Dahlins really sad, since we felt like we had bonded with him a couple months ago along the shore of that muddy Texas river. My dad said that the biggest laugh the President had during his time in the White House was when he pranked us with the bit about snapping turtles (Blog 9/14/13).

Everything was was going pretty good with the Apollo 7. It was still orbiting around the earth at this time, which was pretty important for the United States, because we had been so far behind the Soviet Union in the Race to Space!  We need some good news from all the bad news. JFK's brother, Robert Kennedy's assassination in June and Martin Luther King Jr's assassination 2 months before that - along with Vietnam war protest, the marijuana plants hidden in our backyard, the fleas in my bedroom and the crazy-attack Rooster, "El Pollo-Loco" the boys were about to bring home.  We desperately needed something positive to cheer about.   I did!

In the meantime my faithful and loyal dog, Poochie, laid on my bed and chewed his butt because of all the fleas. By taking down the pool, (seen to the right) we had gotten rid of most to the "mosquito problem" that we created in California when we had traveled back east with my Dad's "Sugar Water" invention in our hair(blog post 9/21/13). But now our house had become infested with fleas instead. 

Don Blaser next door had hated our mosquitoes and was even more passionately opposed to our migrating fleas that ended up on their perfectly groomed collie. 

Everyone wanted to blame my mangy mutt Poochie, but my dad said he thought the fleas were from the hippie-commies that my older brothers had evolved into.      

Here is a picture of them.

Oops sorry - wrong picture! 

Here's a couple pictures of the evolution of my sibling wolf-pack.


from here

                                                                            To here

to here

                                                                                     to here

to here


                                                                   to This
I could be wrong, but I think they are picking fleas off each other in this picture...I wondered if that is why they launched the rockets so far away from Venice, so that none of our fleas would make it abroad the Apollo rocket-ships. Image having to live with a couple inside your space suit.  "No Sir," someone in charge of NASA probably said, "lets put the launch pads in Texas or in Florida."  
Anyway, at midnight they sent Syndrom and Cosmo and Ulrich over the chain-link fence at the toxi-water, drainage-ditch (near where they converted the marsh lands into what we call the Marina Del Rey) to fetch that great, big, ugly, killer rooster!  And from the story, Four Eyes came back and reported to me - it sounded like the dreaded Veloci-Rooster got the best of Ulrich and his "Small-Man" crew.

I not going to lie. When he told me the story, I thought all 97 stitches were going to pop!

That crusty old bird (if you can call it that) herded all three of the boys into a corner and took flight into an all-out air-assault.  He boys cowered together as the bird repeatedly struck them with it's sharp 4 inch talons.  Under the influence of hippie-herbal "Mexican Tomato Plants" the Viking Tribe on the outside of the fence thought this was the funniest thing had they ever seen.

"Reefer madness!...Reefer madness!" one of them kept shouting between hearty guffaws.
"Ha..ha...can you dig it bro"

 While the rooster attacked, the three trapped boys screamed like little girls that made the guys on the outside of the fence -  laugh even harder. "That bird is going ape on the little spaz'es...Ha...ha..ha"

"Dude...far out... groovy"

Smoking the cannabis may have made this funny for the guys on the outside, but for the three trapped monkeys on the inside it apparently didn't do anything to numb the pain

"In your face" Ulrich screamed angrily.

"Hey...hey...hey...hey...hey" said one of outsiders in reply...until interrupted.

"Cheese it! The Cops!  The motley crew took cover until the patrol car passed and then sent a couple of guys over the fence who bagged the bird from behind, while it was distracted withdrawing blood from the angry "little-man" crew.

As Four Eyes related all the juicy details of the story... he told me about the boys conversation once they had gotten back from this latest escapade and regrouped at Wall Drug at 2:00 in the morning.

The three boys were still whimpering and whining from the 68 bloody pock-marks inflicted by the Veloci-Rooster that had been released in the Dahlin backyard.

In a sing-song voice, Primo said, "Cock-a-doodle-do, says the rooster. "
"Ow ow ow, says the little man crew..." Weltz added in perfect sync.

"Poochie goes woof" said another keeping pace with the song.
"The cat goes, meow"
"The bird goes, tweet"
"And mouse goes...squeak"

"Yeah, but what do the stupid dweebs say? ow, ow ow!" They all laughed at their cleverness

Chewbacca (who really wasn't paying attention) said, "Yeah... man... but what does a fox say?"

The hordes of hippies stopped dead in their tracks and couldn't come up with an answer. 
"Idiot" Ulrich shouted in an attempt at payback.
Chewbacca swatted him in the head

Laughter... then the boys started making up stuff.



"What does a fox say?"  They mimicked Chewbacca... and they all laughed again until they were bent over in tears.

When Four Eyes told me this part of the story, I told him this was the stupidest thing I had ever heard.
He said, "Yeah... but knowing your people, it'll probably become a song some day."
"My people? What do you mean by my people ?"  I hoped he was talking about hippies and not Swedes.
When he saw the intent look on my face, he stuttered (backtracking) and said.. "Oh...oh...oh...not Swedes, but probably hippies."

We both signed in relief - that I didn't have to hit him with the crutch next to my bed. Then we both laughed and said together "Yeah, like that will ever happen!"

"Jinx" I said first - which had stopped him from talking!  'Yeah,'  I thought 'like anything even remotely as stupid as the drug induced "Fox Song" could ever happen!' Right?

Now that we have acquired the dreaded Veloci-Raptor,  I guess I should probably tell you about the incident with the poor, poor, unsuspecting "the Chicken lady" and her two children.

What Does a Fox Say?

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