'72 swim team

'72 swim team
My New Tribe

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Shocking Discovery of 1968


We were back in 1968 before I began sharing flashbacks to the disastrous Kings River near-murder rescue in 1962 (Blog post 10/8/2013)...

...and the 1963 "Fire Ant" episode in Detroit with the naked teenager and a bunch of too helpful and too giddy nuns (blog post 10/26/2013)...

....and the Halloween video
where I tell the story of John The Baptist and his Identity Crisis i.e Wolf-Boy (blog post 10/28/2013) in front of a live audience,

It was October 1968 and I was in 7th grade (wearing Keith Bjelajac's sweater, my mom brought home from the lost and found - how embarrassing! But I had a sweater to wear for picture day, so I was happy with my Dad's sugar-water concoction that held my hair firmly in place.)   

Reminding you again where we had been:

This past summer while on our way across country to visit relatives, I had already described the unbelievable incident where the President of the United States, Lyndon B. Johnson, detoured his Presidential motorcade under an overpass and orchestrated what could the funniest thing an American President has ever done in the history of this country. Stepping away from his secret service protection he pulled a prank of epic proportions by warning me and my big brothers about the hungry snapping turtles in the dirty river we were presently skinny dipping in(blog post 9/14/2013).
Anyway, on the way home on this trip we had visited Mount Rushmore, Reptile Gardens and the famous Wall Drug Store of South Dakota.

It was there that my hippy brothers bought a Wall Drug sign to hang on the ivy in the far reaches of our Venice backyard to designate the hippy man-cave.

Again the year was 1968, and it wouldn't take rocket science or a huge stretch of the imagination to figure out what was happening when the hippies convened in the dark hollow of the ivy grotto behind the infamous pool of electrocutions. 

By this time, the above-ground pool was far too green for chlorine redemption so the liner was torn out and the 4-foot-metal-sided enclosure was now the boarder for our new reptile habitat and Amazon rain forest pond - complete with cayman (caiman) alligator!

Lucky me... when I discovered the the sharped-toothed crocodile, while the habitat was under construction.

Okay... so it really wasn't lucky me when I discovered the big secret the older boys were keeping hidden from my parents.

Tune in next time for the this shocking discovery... along with the "Mexican Tomato Plants" and the mutant giant Veloci-Rooster imported from hades.

oh and JUST FOR FUN...

Can you guess where I discovered the temporary accommodations of this prehistoric crocodile? 

Please post your guess in the comments below! Let's see who can get close to guessing - not just where I accidentally encountered the ferocious beast, but also take a stab at describing the circumstances of this frightening discovery - and remember this is a "Dahlin event" so please feel free to use your imagination.  
until next time...  vet att du är älskad!

and remember "Never insult an alligator until after you have crossed the river"
                                                                                                      Cordell Hull 



  1. Well, it had to be living in the toilet. Where else? Alligators in the sewer are not just a New York City phenomenon!

    1. karen, you got the right room of the house!

    2. I was going to suggest that it was in your room, probably under the bed, but seeing as the room has been given...

      I'm guessing nobody took a bath in THAT bathroom for a while!

    3. Eric...Welcome Aboard, your right, I just wish someone had told me so that I was in on the little secret and didn't have to wrestle the little beast!

  2. I know we had rattlesnakes, etc. in the backyard pool! Or are you speaking of the Manny's house, across the street! I had to retrieve a 4 foot alligator from his basement. His sewer pipe had broken years before, and they flush their pet alligator.Unfortunately, the sewer were no longer ran into the street. That rouge pet

    1. Tony when i was back in Branson, Billy Lennon told me the time yoiu were chasing an alligator down the street... he was both amazed at how fast an alligator ran and at how fast you were to actually catch the creature!

      That's a blog or two away...

      But no! This was our Cayman alligator Bob, brought home and we had in the pond for a while along with the snapping turtle we brought home in the 1968 trip across country.
