No one got killed. Mr. Blaser, my Dad and my brothers managed to save everyone inside.
Bobby Tripp didn't have to go to jail and the grand old house on the corner of Harding Ave and Grandview had been burned down. The next day while the charred remains were still smoldering,Tommy Blaser and I decided to sneak inside the ruins to explore inside even though our parents told us it was not safe and forbade us to go anywhere near the place.

I was a kid on a mission. Yep...I, Markie D, decided to take on the arduous task of helping the Venice Fire Department with their arson investigation (every fire department needs a just-turned 13-year-old to muddle in their affairs...right? I thought so!) And so I sneaked with my pad and pencil and began taking notes.
As a mentioned last time, I had a long list of possible suspects.
The 2 prime suspects of this harrowing fire that were on the short list of the Secret Service and of Fire department were immediately ruled out.
The first being Chet Young, the cowardly fugitive who gunned down Bill Lennon and who was now on the run. The second was Charles Manson and 25 of his murderous renegades known as "The Family" who had been briefly arrested on August 16th at Spahn Film Ranch for the Sharon Tate and LaBianca murders and had been under close surveillance since the botched arrest.
3) Mr. Blaser (I didn't tell Tommy but his dad made it on my list because of what it was doing to the price of real estate on our street) but if he was a suspect then he would have burned our house down a long time ago.
Since he tolerated us and our Venice Tower of bamboo trash, then I figured that I could rule him out.
4) THREE of the four Harding boys who had dressed up as girls and wanted revenge for feeling rejected.
5) Susea Grant might have done it for payback for being dropped on her head from the second story balcony by her brother Cameron to the boisterous chagrin of the Frat guys
6) Mr. D (that's my dad) he made it on the list, because we needed more parking for our eight hundred cars and armada of trucks filled with trash and car parts.
8) The Catholic Nuns who lived behind the "Frat House" which was nothing more than a den of iniquity.
9) Leeland, the guy on the corner of Crestmore who built bombs and liked to blow up things and wanted the barn to himself for his "Sin Bin"
10) Walter Daniels... Well, because they lived behind the big old house and for the fact that he was Walter Daniels (don't try to figure it out - just accept it).
11) The Nargies - because they owned the property next door - enough said.

12) Tommy Blaser - because he walked in his sleep and liked to play with matches - NEVER a good combination.
13) The Owner - Mr. Malon. Since the world had turned to conspiracy theories every since the assassination of JFK back in '63 (i.e. including the moon landing last month) we might as well add the owner of the property (seeing that it was worth more for the insurance then what he could sell the property for.
This is not comprehensive by any means, but it is my list and one that had many more suspects on it than the Venice Fire Marshall had on his list.

The Fire Chief didn't know about the four boys who lost a bet and had to dress up like girls and try to schmooze their way into the house and had to get the"Frat boys" to "hit" on them.
The Chief certainly didn't have the Saint Mark's Nuns on his list - but that's because he didn't go to Saint Marks school and didn't have Sister Godzilla in the Fifth grade or have Sister Shultz for homeroom.
Psshaw... What did he know? Lucky for him I was his 13-year-old Harding Avenue, street rat, who was now his confidential informant.
But for now, I got to say good bye. It's time to run inside and watch the Lennon Sisters on the Jimmy Durante Show.